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Welcome to the Round Table Remix where our main priority is your entertainment!

By Jessie Woller and Karsyn Roberts


The Northern High seniors have a look back on high school


My best memory from "Northern is the bus food fight after our first round of playoffs"

     - Maykel Lopez


"My favorite high school memory is from last year on senior prank day when they got a bunch of water guns and started spraying them everywhere"

     - Roderick Harris

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"A good memory for me is when we were on the bus on the way to a softball game and we drove past a graveyard and a girl said you have to hold your breath for respect of the dead so she held her breath for like two minutes straight"

     - Paige Williamson

"When we beat all of the football teams in durham two times in a row and kept a winning streak is a pretty good memory for me"

     - RaQuon Shaffner


"My best memory would have to be being able to play basketball for Northern"

     - X’Zavier McFadden


"Playing football for Northern"

    - Xavier Miller


"Still being able to have most of the people that I went to elementary school with is my favorite"

     - John Mincey


"The outdoor ed classes here were a good part of high school for me"

    - Grant Kaestner

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