Class of 2022: Their first months of high school and hopes for future years
The shoes of freshman are small and uncomfortable, but they are shoes that we have all been in. They rip, get laughed at, and at times stink, really bad.
“I like [high school] a lot more than I thought I would,” freshman Colby Nichting said. “I was nervous at first about getting lost, but it is not that hard once you know your classes.”
When high school is compared to middle school the obvious statement is that there is more freedom. As the ages increase it would only make sense for the amount of freedom to increase as well. Sometimes too much freedom can be a bad thing, so the administrators have to keep a close eye on things.
“There is a lot more freedom [in high school] than in middle school,” freshman Freddy Oliver said. “You do not have to walk in lines and you get to eat where you want to at lunch [compared to] middle school where we had assigned seats.”
Freshman this year are without a doubt different from the seniors who were freshman four years ago. Maybe it is the different generation, or that new topics have arrived in the past four years, but there are definitely some differing factors.

“ I think the freshman this year care more about social media and what they look like [rather] than their grades,” senior Lechelle Simmons said. “They are not truly invested in their education.”
Starting at a new school can be a tough task to overcome, but there are positives that come with difficult tasks. Graduating, painting your parking spot, open lunch and prom are some of the things as upperclassmen look forward to.
“[I am most excited for] graduating and going out for lunch,” freshman Riley Horton said.
The transfer from middle school to high school is not easy there are challenges that are not easy to face alone. Northern is coming up with new ideas and new programs to ensure that the freshman are comfortable and set on the right track for their four years here.
“I believe that they will be [a good group],” assistant principal Tanisa Rucker said. “We are working hard to change some things, work on positive reinforcement, positive behavior programs to help them focus on academics.”
Freshman year can be a difficult journey, but it is a difficult journey that we all have to walk.