Eating Out Helps Everyone Involved
There are days when cravings appear and the smell of some delicious fast food comes. There is enough money to go eat and enjoy the food that we did not have to cook. But was it the right thing to do or are we hurting ourselves by eating something that is bad for our health?
The debate of eating out or cooking food ourselves has gone on for years. A big percentage of our society today goes out to eat two or three times a week. For example, students that are in high school or college go out to eat often instead of eating in the cafeteria because the cafeteria food is “nasty” or not as good as other fast food places. Eating out is not as bad as people think. It even helps our emotions and self esteem. Eating out is a symbol of status and it means that we can afford it. If the food is more costly it shows that the person has a higher status than the rest. This helps our self esteem.
Another good thing about eating out is the variety of food there is. There are hundreds of fast food restaurants that people can go to with many different tastes, looks and smells. Every person is different and likes different things. A pro of going to restaurants is the variety of food that one can choose from, that people might not have at home.
Eating out saves time because you do not have to prepare and cook your own meal. People also eat at restaurants so that they do not have to do the hard work that comes with cooking.We also want to feel special, cared for, and important. When we go to a restaurant we do not go only for the food. We also go so that we can be waited on by other people. Eating out also means that we can connect with people surrounding us, and we can see things that we do not see when we cook in our homes. We enjoy the time by ourselves or accompanied by family or friends.
No one really sits down to think about these things, but it is helping us feel better and even clear our minds if we are going through a tough time and we just need time to think or not think about anything at all. Food can also be used as a great antidepressant. It supports our body and makes it feel better by feeling full. It is not the main reason to get rid of depression but the correct meals can make the person have a better mood.
Eating out is something that can be seen as something bad and unhealthy but it is actually the opposite, it can help people connect with others and make them feel better about themselves. Eating out can bring good memories of a different food you never tried or going out for fast food with someone special. Everything is good and bad, there is never anything that would be exact, so at this point of our lives we should choose to follow other people's opinions or create our own.