The jury is in: Pencils are better than pens
To erase or to not erase…. That is the question.
Pencils. There is absolutely no way a pen can be better than a pencil. There is nothing better than a trusty old #2. It comes with characteristics anyone would ever need in order to write; lead and a good old eraser- something that pens do not have. It makes no sense to write with a utensil that can not erase because everyone makes mistakes, therefore you are bound to mess something up.
Now I know what you are thinking: “Well there are some pens with erasers.” But that is only because pens hopped on the pencil train to try and create a better writing experience while using a pen. But I have some bad news for you pen users. That won’t it chief. There is hardly anyone that would actually use erasable pens. Why would you use an erasable pen when you could just use a pencil? It just does not make sense to waste money on something inefficient.

Another amazing feature that pencils provide is the variation of mechanical pencils. True, pens can come in different colors, and that is very cool, but what happens once you run out of ink? Then what? The thing about mechanical pencils is that you can just buy more lead and erasers.
Some even find the advantage to take erasers and lead from another person’s pencil*. Also, mechanical pencils come in awesome colors as well. Although they do not write in that color, it is still pretty cool.
Just in case you have not gotten the memo by now, pencils are highly superior to pens. If anyone disagrees, write me a letter in pen and have fun when you mess up and have to start over. Now obviously all of this is a joke, if you like pencils more than pens that is perfectly understandable, but it just is not true. No offense.
*I do not condone the act of stealing lead and erasers from others pencils.