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Forget freedom to speak, freedom to think makes us who we are

The realm of entertainment has many intricacies and details that can make one feel detached from reality that they usually can not get anywhere else. But, along those lines there is one controversy that anyone can answer: can one separate the art from the artist in the face of controversy and unpopular beliefs? And the answer to that should be a most definite yes.

A logical reason for why this is true is because the art is not always indicative of who the person might be. The prime example is Kanye West, who has faced massive amounts of criticism for his support for President Donald Trump. This led to people claiming he should have his upcoming musical projects boycotted. The music, while interesting itself, featured no mentions of his support of Trump and instead went into detail on different topics. What can be gathered here is that somebody's art may not be reflective of who they are as a person or what they stand for.

The other reason falls back on the principle that some people change, and as well as their ideas. One trait that almost all people share is that we are forever changing in how we act or think. It would be incredibly hard to find someone who thinks the exact same way they did five years ago as they do now, and vice versa. Because of this, one cannot expect for someone to always be linear in their actions. The best example is whenever an artist displays their political belief politically about something, regardless of how you feel about said opinion, the quality of art that they do or have done should not be degraded. Neither should it diminish any meaning or strip it of the integrity that it had with you.

One of the great things about life is that we were gifted the ability to think for ourselves. But when you put people in a box where they can not voice how they feel. No one should have their hard work invalidated because of how they feel about something.

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