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There is no debate, comic books are better than movies

All of the great and most famous comics get transformed into movies; from stories like the Avengers vs. Ultron to the X-Men vs. Apocalypse. While these movies are amazingly produced and highly entertaining, they just do not compare to the original comic book classics.

Some people might think that comics books are for nerds, geeks, and people of that nature, but that is just ignorant. Comic books are absolutely phenomenal and they even come with illustrations unlike regular, boring books. They are not completely time consuming so you can finish reading plenty of stories in one day and, trust me, there are a lot of them.

The movie versions of stories also are not very well produced because of time constraints. If the creators of the movies put everything from the comic into the movie (which is something that they are not allowed to do) then it would last way too long and no one would be willing to sit and watch a movie for 20 hours straight. It is much preferable to read a comic for about an hour or two.

It also really sucks when you watch the movie that excludes characters from the comics. This happens because multiple different companies own the rights to different characters. Since that is the case, it would be a long time before people see the X-Men meet the Avengers on the big screen while it has already been repetitively printed in the comics.

There are thousands of comics out in the world that all tell amazing stories, and only about 15 of those actually get converted into films. Not that the movies are bad or anything, but there are a lot of people missing out on vital details if all they do is watch the movies.


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