Wisdom Teeth: are they worth the pain?
Wisdom teeth are teeth that emerge during the teenage years of 14 to 19. One’s genetics dictate in which position they may grow in, or if they grow at all. Some people get lucky by having them in a position that does not cause pain, which makes me jealous.
To some, the wisdom tooth represents wisdom and knowledge. Since I have them, I know all too well that I am not a wizard or a symbol of peace and harmony, so that is a lie. Scientists think that they were carried on by generation to generation for the purpose of thoroughly chewing tough substances, like nuts and meats.
Although scientist can prove that over chewing of food is beneficial, X-rays prove that they damage other teeth, causing biting problems. From the cavemen time to the present day, humans have evolved. Due to evolution, we are now able to cook our food to make it soft enough for our mouth to handle, therefore, wisdom teeth are less of a necessity.

Sometimes a regular toothbrush cannot reach around, or between, a wisdom tooth because of how close it is to other teeth, which results in teeth rotting and gum disease.
I am a teenager and I have a wisdom tooth with another one growing in; they are both unnecessary to the human body and painful. It is basically being a baby all over again because you would be crying, and needing something to soothe the pain. The most painful thing about wisdom teeth is the gum bursting and giving space for it to grow, and the emotional pain of not being able to eat.
We are now able to cook our food and we have dental tools, such as the peripheral vascular clamps to remove our wisdom teeth, so why do we not have wisdom teeth removed? It is potentially harmless to remove it while under anesthesia, but if keep the wisdom teeth in, you will mouthful of pain.
Overall I do not like wisdom teeth and I feel as if they should be removed because they serve no purpose, has caused me pain in a previous event, and due to the fact that mine are not in the right position.