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FFA takes annunal field trip to state fair

Every year the Future Farmers of America (FFA), sports and entertainment marketing, and agriscience class goes to the North Carolina State fair for the day. This year they went on October 18th.

The FFA goes to the state fair because it is an agriculture fair to learn more about the fields of agriculture and animal and plant science. At the fair there are animal shows, floricultor, tree areas and history in agricultural that the students can learn more about.

“[Students will be able to] learn about all the other things that is involved [in agriculture],” agriculture teacher Demikia Taylor said.

Agriculture is not all about farmers and tractors. The opportunities that the state fair gives the students is to show them how broad agricultural really is and the importance of agriculture. The state fair will help students understand the importance of agriculture and all the types of jobs agriculture involves

“When they go to the state fair they see the different areas out there that's associated with [the idea of agriculture],” Taylor said.

The fair can benefit students by showing them what kind of jobs agriculture provides. Students also get to see what happens and the process of the different types of jobs and what is required in agriculture.

The students who go on the trip, also get information on what the job involves and the work ethic takes to take care of the animals and what it takes to study the plants and how to take care of them.

“I think the benefits are experiencing [the] areas in agriculture and to have a little fun with it," Taylor said. "A lot of students competed in the fair with the animals last year, this year they do not have some of the same competitions so they can not do that this year, at least they get to see [others compete].”

Students enjoy seeing all the animals and getting to interact with them. At the fair you get to see the animals in person instead of that is shown on tv. Seeing live action activities like the piglets drinking milk from their mother, sleeping, and playing with each other. You can see all the different types of sheep and how they judge them . Also you can see how to milk a cow and get to do it yourself.

“You get to see all the animals and be around agriculture all day, I got to milk a cow,” sophomore Ansley Vaughan said

FFA is a great program for learning about all the different types of animals and plants. You get to learn about where they come from and what their purpose is. You learn about how to breed the animals and what animals you can and can not breed. The animals you learn about are Cows, Bulls, Horses, Donkeys, Chickens, Hens, Sheep and Goats.

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