High school students balancing jobs
Having a job in high school can give you a glimpse of what it is like balancing multiple responsibilities at once and preparing you for life in the future. Sometimes, it can be a lot to handle. Balancing school work, a job, and extracurriculars can be a difficult task.
Some students work for long hours until late at night. Long shifts can be hard to handle along with homework and other responsibilities.
“I work at Zaxby’s. My shift starts at six and ends around midnight. It is really long but I try to get my homework done during class,” junior Hadasiah Hyman said. “It is hard sometimes, but I try to balance things the best I can.”
Some students are better than others at balancing responsibilities. Some have interesting strategies for handling things.

“I work at Food Lion. Usually I work on weekends so I can focus on volleyball during weekdays,” senior Mary Jones says. “The way I balance homework and my job is I go with the flow. I just do my homework whenever I get the chance.”
Some students put their money towards their families, as well as themselves. Things are expensive now-a-days, so having money for yourself and for family is important.
“I have worked at Kickback Jacks for about ten months and it is a pretty good paying job. I make sure to give some of my money to my [grandmother] so she has enough. This job has taught me how to not rely on others for things and how to do things for myself,” junior S’mari Fields says. “It has also made me more motivated to work, because I know this is what life is gonna be like in the future and I need to prepare.”
Money is obviously a very important part of life. Another student also finds money vital for life in high school.
“I work at Acrosport Gymnastics, and I work for 2 hours a day,” sophomore Mackenzie Harris says. “The main reason I work during high school is because I know I am going to need the money later on.”
Adults today still look back and remember the jobs they had in high school. One teacher remembers the struggles and the positive sides of working.
“I remember thinking that having a job was the worst thing ever at first. All my friends were out having a good time and I was stuck at work,” occupational course of study teacher Steven Barnes said. “When I started to look back at it later on I realized it helped me become more well rounded and it set my priorities straight.”
High school jobs can be a pain, but they also help you with lots of things, including future life. Money is important in today's world so students work hard to make what they can. Overall, jobs are a great life experience to have.