Verizon Wireless users soon will no longer be able to receive Remind text messages
Many teachers and students at Northern High School have become accustomed the convenience of the popular texting app called Remind. This application is often used by teachers and clubs in order to text information to a large group of people at one time without having to actually have and phone numbers, students simply have to sign up by texting a code to the number 810-10.
While this form of communication has been convenient, individuals who have Verizon Wireless as their service provider may find that to be no longer true starting January 28, 2019. On Monday, January 14, Remind alerted it users saying "due to a new fee imposed by Verizon, Remind can no longer offer text messaging for devices on the Verizon Wireless network. As a result, anyone who has Verizon Wireless as their phone carrier will no longer be able to receive or send text messages through Remind” (1).
This means that while all other service providers will continue receiving messages, any person who uses Verizon Wireless will no longer get messages sent to them through the remind app. Without these messages, students could miss out on important information pertaining to classes and clubs that they are in.
Recently, assistant principal Jason Rebman began sending messages to seniors via the remind application. These messages contain vital information about scholarships, college applications, and graduation. However, many seniors soon might begin to miss out on these opportunities if they do not act fast.
Already there have been people turning to social media and the news to attempt to stop this from happening, posting to twitter about why Remind has been helpful to them with the hashtag “ReverseTheFee.” While no change has been made yet, many hope that if enough people oppose this change Verizon will back down and reconsider their options.
If this does not happen however, the best way for students to continue receiving messages is to download the Remind application from the App Store and create an account using the phone number you were have been getting messages sent to. By doing this one should continue to remain in the loop and informed without having to re-sign up for getting the messages.
(1) Remind. “Service Disruption for Verizon Wireless Users in the United States.” Help Center, Accessed 15 Jan. 2019. EndFragment