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Hot weather wins this debate

Snow, frost, sleet, hail, black ice, all terrible things that cold weather brings when it comes. Although things like snow might look cool and beautiful, they sure do not feel too great. But warm weather is completely different it brings nothing but warmth, sunshine, and all kinds of beautiful flowers and plants.

Whenever it is cold outside all I hear is complaints. People constantly say how it is too cold and that they can not wait for it to be summer so it can be warm outside. The only reason people actually like cold weather is because they get to wear hoodies and sweatpants and not be too hot. Anyone who claims they can not wait for it to be cold, immediately regrets it as soon as it actually gets cold.

Now I will admit that cold weather has some advantages like for instance school can get cancelled for things like snow and ice and everyone likes when school gets cancelled. Everything changes though when you are sitting inside the house with nothing to do. Some might argue that you could just go outside and play in the snow, and make snowmen or snow angels but that never lasts long because people either get too cold or end up getting sick.

When it is warm outside, everything is great. If it gets too hot outside you can either rely on the nice breeze to cool you off or you can just step inside for a little while and then go back out. If someone is allergic to something like pollen then that is ok because that is what allergy medicine is for. Not only that but you also get to go to the beach and who does not love the beach.

Another thing is the pool which some would argue is better than the beach. The pool is just such a fun a lively place where you can hang with your friends and when it gets too hot you can just jump in the water to cool off.

To all you cold weather fans out there it is crazy how you can actually want to be cold and I just think you need to take a second and rethink your decision. If you have three valid reasons why cold weather is better than hot weather then I will change my entire argument but until then there is no way cold weather is better than hot weather, due to the many pros of having warm weather.


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