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Math vs. English: Are there even any pros?

For me, Math and English are the two worst subjects to begin with because there is so much more to them than you might think. For Mathematics, you think it is just numbers and counting until you reach a higher leveled class like Pre-Calculus, which is more difficult to process. Then for English, you might think that it would just be speaking in English until you have to present to the class; What the difference between an independent clause and a dependent clause in an essay.

One thing that bothered me from the beginning about Math was the fact that it used letters to replace unknown numbers and had wacky symbols and formulas to find this unknown number.

Also if you forget to add the first degree of the second placement value to the third decimal point while using the fourth formula to find the fifth variable then you are automatically wrong. It is like Math and English collaborated together and said you can take my letters and call them variables and I will take your equations and turn them into word problems.

We are not human calculators so it is very difficult to remember everything for that we have learned for the upcoming Final Exam, which I am bound to fail at.

English has its ups and downs and sometimes I would feel like the English department would mix some words together to make something stupid seem smart. The hardest parts too of English is when the teacher tells us to site our references and put them in MLA and/or APA format, or having to find the solid sentimental significance of silver slithery slippery snakes in an alliteration. Even to this day I do not understand why English words have bad past tenses like drive to drove, but it is actually ‘driven’. And I will also never understand the entire phrasing of lay to laid/lie/ lain. The silent letters in words do not help either like the words: island, debt, scissors, and receipt.

In all this is to say that both Math and English are difficult in their own way whether it be by equations, terrible past tenses or trying to find unknown numbers by using wacky formulas. They have their similarities and differences in struggle.


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