¨Glass¨ movie is a box office hit for good reason

On January 18th M. Night Shyamalan released the trequel to his 2016 hit movie Split, and 2000 movie Unbreakable. Glass is a superhero thriller that combines all of his movies into one. Sequels have been known not to be worth the watch but this director has proven before that his can be just as good if not better than the originals.
Director Shyamalan had an estimated 20 million dollar budget to make his film. On opening weekend the movie made over 40 million dollars in sales and 89 million total, to date, since the release. The cumulative worldwide total comes in at over 100 million in total ticket sales!
The movie takes place in a insane asylum made specially for people with powers like Kevin Wendell Crumb (James McAvoy), The Overseer (Bruce Willis) and Elijah Price also known as Mr. Glass (Samuel L. Jackson). Each of them have a unique powers such as split personalities or indestructibility.
The psychiatrist in charge of the group Dr. Ellie Staples (Sarah Paulson), is trying to convince the world that the trio does not have the special powers that they say they do. In order for the trio to tell the world that they actually do have these powers, Mr. Glass comes up with a master plan for them all to escape and once in for all demonstrate to the world that they actually exist.
The acting was very good but some scenes became too long, almost like the director was trying to make more out of something smaller. If the scenes would have been more condensed and more action packed it would have made the film ten times better.
Overall the movie was very good and worth the time and money to go and watch. Shyamalan did a very good job producing and directing the film.