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Northern bathroom pass policy is unreasonable and should be changed

Have you ever had to go to the bathroom and you are out of passes? If the answer is yes, this story is for you. In high school today teachers and administrators think that instead of actually using the bathroom they go to see their friends. In result of that they give a limited amount of passes to their students. while it is true that the passes keep the students in class for the most part, but what about when they run out of the passes? If the student runs out of passes and they truly have to use the bathroom would you as a teacher deny them?

Some teachers give limited bathroom passes to avoid students leaving class, but if class was more interesting they would not have a desire to leave. If students have fun in the classroom chances of them wanting to leave are very low. Taking notes and doing worksheets for 90 minutes four times a day not only gets repetitive but is extremely boring. Sometimes students need a break and the 35 minute lunches do not cut it. Also student need mental breaks when things get boring so they do not fall asleep or zone out. Would you rather the student be gone for 10 minutes (at the most) or sleep through the class and not retain any information?

This topic is not talked about alot, when girls are on their menstrual cycle they need to go to the bathroom almost every hour. Girls have their menstrual cycle once a mouth for a week at a time. Passes are handed out every quarter which is two months. With only having a limited amount of passes girls do not have to time to go to the bathroom between classes and during class.

It is unfair to students who actually need go to the bathroom when they are out of passes. The students who truly have to use the bathroom should not be punished for other students mistakes.When students say they need to go to the bathroom and skip that student should receive a referral. The kids who skip and stay gone for half of class should be punished individually and not affect the students who do what they are supposed to. Students should not have to wait a whole class period to use the bathroom especially when some student’s classes are on the other side of campus. Even though we have five minutes, the hallway traffic and slow walkers make it almost impossible to get to class on time. On top of that stopping to use the bathroom one will definitely be a little late.

Students get punished for being late to class, but are not allowed to use the bathroom if they do not have a pass. When are students allowed to use the bathroom if not in between class or during class? You should try drinking two bottles of water in one class and holding your pee for 90 minutes. You will see how easy it really is to go through your bathroom passes.


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