Did 35 days change the way the Government works?
The United States government shutdown on December 21, 2018 because President Donald Trump and Congress could not decide on a budget for the nine federal agencies resulting in Trump shutting down the government leaving thousands of government employees working without pay. This shutdown became the longest shutdown in US history surpassing the 21 day shutdown in 1995-96.
“I do not think the government shutting down was the best idea on their part,” science teacher Tonisha Coburn said. “The shutdown did not just affect one individual, but many.”
Ever since Trump took office in 2016 some of his supporters along with followers of politics in general have found some of his decisions to be questionable.
“There are some respectable decisions that Trump has made,” senior Grace Sorrell said. “For the most part though, Trump has not looked at the bigger picture when it comes to the citizens.”

Trump’s latest idea of building a wall along the border of the United States and Mexico so that illegal immigrants can not enter the country has sent some Americans over the edge and leaving them questioning his morale.
“I think that the government will give into Trump’s wall idea,” senior Chelsy Huerta said. “They will only give in because he has Congress backed into a corner, and there is no other way to please both Trump and the rest of the government.”
The government shutdown had brought a lot of attention to many social media platforms which some think will only make matters worse because of all the negative comments and empty promises that cannot be fulfilled.
“All the major news organization platforms wanted to talk about the government shutdown,” senior Colby Beeker said. “In my opinion it only made matters more extreme.”
Now that the shutdown is over some feel as though there are still cracks in the government system.
“I think there is still a bigger mountain to climb in this debate over the wall,” junior Tanner Horton said. “I hope that there is an agreement to help resolve this situation that we are stuck in.”