New art teacher brings more creativity to Northern's art program
Northern High School has grown dramatically over the years new to the NHS staff, Myra Stotesbury is just one of the many changes that has been made to improve the school.
“I really wanted to be an art teacher and my brother in law works here so he recommended the school to me. Although I was nervous to come to high school, I took a chance on it.” Ms. Stotesbury said.
A lot of students seem to like art class and that is great because some states are having to cut art programs due to financial issues. Northern is very lucky to have a highly rated art program.

“Ms .Stotesbury lets us express ourselves in our own unique way,” senior Chiara Bucella said.
There are always some things that every teacher could use some improvement on.
“She should stop the noises from the kids that don’t wanna be there,” freshman Macy Daniels said. “All teachers can improve and focus more on the kids that are willing to learn and enjoy the class.”
Being yourself is very important and art has a big part in expressing yourself.
“Creativity is my favorite part of the art class,” freshman Kalin Sobieski said. “Ms. Stotesbury really tries to care for us and help us bring our art to life.”
Freedom of expression is key, especially in a young teenagers life. They should feel like they have a voice and some find their voice in art.
“Some people love to dance, sing, draw, or play an instrument,” freshman Jennifer Canuto said.
Find your happiness and peacefulness just like Northern art students have. Most all students love the new teacher Ms. Stotesbury.
“[Ms. Stotesbury] is a bright and creative teacher who wishes nothing but the best for everyone,” senior Chiara Bucella said.
Myra Stotesbury has helped many students to create and learn more about themselves everyday.