Northern's cleanliness should be a top priority
Northern High School’s public image is steadily trekking downhill due to polluted parking lots and a lack of school pride from students and the janitorial staff. Trash covers Northern’s perimeters mainly because of runoff from the student parking lot. This spread of debris has affected the school’s physical image to those who visit for sports games or other events. It is time for a change, so where does all this trash come from and why?

For those who attend Northern and drive themselves to school, they more than likely have noticed the heaping piles of trash that overflow the student lot trash cans. This is the root of our pollution problem because of this, the extremely wet winter runoff picks up the trash and spreads it throughout campus. The janitorial staff is pretty great and do a good job of keeping the inside of Northern clean, but in order to keep our whole school appearance decent action needs to be taken by our janitors. The trash from the student lot trash cans need to be taken out continuously and there is no way around this. With this being said, our janitorial staff does not get enough recognition or compensation for all that their job entails. We as Northern students leave behind us a disaster of a mess, which shows great inconsideration.
Our janitors are not the only ones responsible, we as Northern students have to take responsibility as well. Northern students need to take action and responsibility as well. There are instances where students complain about the dirty bathrooms or the trash, but in order to stop the unhealthy habits of Northern, it starts with the students wanting a healthier community. Northern has so much more potential then we as students realize. Taking advantage of this potential starts with us taking care of our school.