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Seniors sign to continue the sport they love in College

It is common knowledge that senior athletes will soon begin to sign to colleges where they will continue playing the sport they played in high school.

“I want to play in college because football is my passion. It always has been and always will be,” senior LaDerrick Neville said.

When choosing a school to sign to, it is important that student athletes know what they want from the college.

“I chose Lees McRae because

I wanted to go to a small school, they offered the major I wanted to get,” senior Grant Kaestner said.

Some students are eager to take what they learned in high school and take it with them for their next adventure.

“The thing I am looking forward too the most is bonding with my team and being able to play [soccer] in college,” senior Callie Hammond said.

To best succeed in life many people have someone they can look up to and have someone to support them.

“My mom has always been by my side even after arguments and battles, she is my anchor who keeps me sane. I owe my mom everything, my life, my soul and mostly my success,” senior Alyssa Stone said. “She is why I am as good as a player I am today. She is why I am lucky to have this opportunity to play at UNCW.”

While some have their parents to look up to, others have self motivation in order to do great things.

“My biggest inspiration to make me work hard in school soccer to make it to college is just never giving up, always work hard and follow your dreams. It does not come easy,” senior McKenzie Jackson said. “I always say do not stop when you are tired, stop when you are done. The days I did not want to go to practice are the days I needed to and push myself to do the best I can.”

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