New battle royale game can only be played in trios
First it was H1Z1, next was PUBG (Players Unknown Battlegrounds), after that was Fortnite and now the game developer Respawn Entertainment has released their game Apex Legends. This is another battle royale based game in which the last man standing wins.
There are a few differences between Apex Legends and the rest of the battle royales. One big difference is that there are only trios. There are no solo, duo or squad (4 players) games. A lot of people do not like this and that is why they prefer Fortnite or PUBG.
Apex Legends is set in the world of Titanfall. Titanfall is a first person shooter video game like Call Of Duty, except in Titanfall instead of realistic looking characters they are robots.
The graphics and game-play is amazing. The game runs very smoothly with barely any connection problems or delays.
One of the best features that separates Apex Legends from all the other battle royale games is that one does not need a mic in order to talk and communicate with the other two players. A player can point anywhere on the map and mark supplies or other players and it gives a live call out to everyone on their team. Communication is a very important part of being successful in last man standing battle royale games.

There are eight Legends that each have a special, perk like ability. All the Legends fall into a category like offensive, defensive and support. Offensive characters excel in attacking and rushing players while defensive characters are best at defending their teammates and have more armour than the other characters. Support Legends give medical assistance and are able to revive players.
What makes this game better than the rest is how clean it runs. Rarely lagging puts this game vastly ahead of Fortnite and PUBG. The next gen call out system that allows players to communicate without having a microphone also makes this game far in front of all competitors.
Even though Apex Legends is free, it is definitely worth the time. The game is a masterpiece and is definitely worthy of many awards in the coming future.