Netflix original Umbrella Academy is one to watch
Netflix originals have become a great addition to Netflix, with the release of new jaw-dropping shows and series one such being The Umbrella Academy came out on February 15, 2019 and has caught the attention of viewers around the world. The show is a 12 episode series and each episode is about an hour long.
In The Umbrella Academy, a group of children were all born on the same day and adopted by a billionaire named Sir Reginald Hargreeves. The children were all born with super powers such as strength, the ability to turn into a monster, mind-reading, and time travel.

Mr. Hargreeves begins training the children to stop crime under the name of “Umbrella Academy”. Their separate ways and continued to grow and start their own lives. One of the children, known as Number Five the fifth kid adopted, went back in time when he was not supposed to, allowing him to discover a huge secret. The secret causes Five to look towards his brothers and sisters for help to save the world, before it is too late.
The Academy faces bad luck and good luck throughout this thrilling show. Everyone who has watched season one is ready for the shows next season, which still does not have a release date. I recommend people who love thrilling and eye catching series to watch this show has lots of suspenseful moments and may be graphic to some viewers.
The show has caught lots of attention from celebrities and people all around the world and has become of the hottest shows on Netflix right now. The creator of this show is Jeremy Slater, who has also wrote many movies like the Fantastic Four or the very popular tv show the Exorcist and more. He has achieved many views on each of his movies and shows and The Umbrella Academy is one of his best pieces. To watch Umbrella Academy go to Netflix and enjoy the 12 episode series now.