The Jonas Brothers return leaves Northern students wanting more

Oh how the tables have turned. The Jonas Brothers are back and after an almost six year break the brothers are finally releasing a new song ‘Sucker’. This has been a very anticipated wait for some people including some of the students at Northern High School.
“When I heard that the Jonas Brothers were reuniting and coming out with a new song my heart literally busted through my chest,” sophomore Jordan Brown said. “It was almost like part of my childhood had come back to life.”
The brothers are notorious for not only their music but their roles on Disney Channel. They not only have their own movie called Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience but they also starred in other hit movies like Camp Rock, Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam, along with being featured in an episode of Hannah Montana.
“The episode of Hannah Montana where the Jonas Brothers guest star might be one of my most favorite Hannah Montana episodes ever,” junior Maddy Murrell said. “I rewatch it all the time and it never fails to make me laugh.”
In the past the Jonas Brothers have had a lot of great hits, and being a boy band in the early 2000’s this is not a surprising fact. The brothers had previously released five albums before their break up in October of 2013.
“My favorite Jonas Brothers song is ‘Year 3000’,” freshman Ashtyn Hawthorne said. “The song is just so catchy and always puts me in a good mood.”
The band consists of three brothers, Nick Jonas (vocals and guitar) Joe Jonas (vocals, tambourine and guitar) and Kevin Jonas (lead guitarist). Over the years there has been a nation wide debate on who is the “best of the brothers,”and although the votes are 100 percent based of off looks, the students at Northern seem to have their own opinion about the band.
“I used to like Nick the most because the other brothers were not very attractive when I was younger,” freshman Emma Roberts said. “But now Joe is my favorite because he is cuter, funnier and Nicks teeth get on my nerves.”
The new song by the band has caused an uproar not only from the students at Northern but the faculty as well. The music video for “Sucker” takes place at the Hatfield House and includes the boys dancing, singing and drinking champagne in the bathtubs… scandalous.
“I think this is just another sad attempt to recreate nostalgia,” english teacher Catherine Baker said. “Some bands are better left in the past unlike the Backstreet Boys.”
Who knows, maybe the Jonas Brothers reuniting was only the beginning. There is no telling what favorite childhood boy band could be next in line.