New Dumbo live-action film does not live up to the original version
In 1941 children were blessed with the release of the Disney classic Dumbo.Today, kids have an opportunity to experience the movie for themselves, with the recent release of an updated live-action Dumbo.
At the start of the film I was shocked by the amount of animal cruelty, the characters made Dumbo feel like he could not do anything because he was a little different than the rest of the animals.

Despite the awful messages in the beginning, my perspective changed throughout the movie, especially towards the middle of the film, when I began to realize what good messages the movie was creating. It says that no matter how many people tell you that you can not do something, you should prove them wrong; And that is exactly what Dumbo did.
I can really relate to Milly, the daughter of Holt, she is very brilliant and dreams of more than her basic town. Milly always helped Dumbo and made him feel secure when he felt alone. As for Milly’s father, he was just a man that wanted his kids to be happy which shows what every parent ever wants for their children.
The original Dumbo came out in 1941 and the newest version has similar plotline. Even though the newest version of the movie was entertaining, I would choose the original over it because I prefer animations rather than live-action films. You should consider watching both versions and seeing which one is more appealing for you.
I do not recommend this movie for younger audiences due to the amount of disrespect that was shown in this movie, it sometimes showed a bad message to children. Other than that, I enjoyed the movie and thought it was lovely
Overall this movie is not worth your time and money to see in a movie theater. Although it was good, you should wait until it comes out on a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu.