Student's overrun by school work assigned during Spring Break
Something that most all students at Northern look forward to in the second semester is Spring Break. It provides students with a well-deserved break from Northern, teachers, and most importantly work.
Some teachers however, took it upon themselves this year to assign work to students to complete over the break, ultimately crushing many students hopes and dreams of a work-free break.
“Two teachers gave me work,” sophomore Madison Lewis said. “I had a reading assignment for English and a chapter worksheet and vocabulary for Ap Human Geography.”

Teachers usually give homework over Spring break so that they can put more grades in for the third quarter, but also to give students more practice on the topics they are learning in class.
“The thought of starting the quarter off bad and trying to get ahead motivated me to do my work [over Spring break],” sophomore Katie Combs said.
Students over break not only have to worry about school work, but also work to be done at home.
“My other priorities were mainly just chores around the house and preparing for college,” senior Leonzo Williams said.
While students were trying to have a break and also get work done, teachers were also in this boat about which to make a number one priority.
“Over break I made a day where I would grade work,” Spanish teacher Wendy Anderson said.
Even on spring break teachers give out work for students to finish.
“I procrastinate because I was on break and wanted to enjoy my time off from work,” sophomore MacKenzie Perry said.
A majority of students had two out of four classes that give out work over spring break. If you had school work on spring break would you do it or wait until last minute.