Horror film causes mixed reactions
The Curse Of La Llorona was released on April 19th 2019. This film has interested many people but has not drawn all positive feedback from it’s audience. Director, Michael Chaves, put a lot of his own personal fears into this movie and was very picky with his cast. He chose specific actors and actresses because he felt like the audience could connect to them and that La Llorona could make everyone, even adults, unsettled.
Marisol Ramirez, who plays La Llorona, was chosen because she captured the relentlessness of a horror movie ghost or ghoul. Right off the bat Ramirez gave off an unsettling vibe to everyone on set, especially with the makeup. She portrayed La Llorona very well and struck fear into the audience. Patricia Velasquez, who plays Patricia did an amazing job at setting an eerie mood at the beginning of the movie. She genuinely seemed on edge and afraid. She put out the vibe that something was wrong. For most of the movie, she had the audience on the edge of their seat.

Anna Garcia, the main mother throughout the movie, starts off not believing Patricia and getting her locked up for child abuse. Soon after, Anna starts to experience some of the things Patricia warned her about. Annas children, Chris and Samantha find La Llorona crying and from that moment on, she was attached to them. Chris and Samantha hesitate to tell anyone about the crying woman and the strange happenings, so Anna gets reported for child abuse as well. Once the children tell their mother about what has been happening, Anna goes to see Patricia in prison where Patricia shares very chilling information. Anna races home to protect her children and does whatever it takes to keep them safe.
All in all, this movie was good and enjoyable. It is full of suspenseful moments and there is more than enough jumpscares to go around. Fear factor is not all the way there, but it does do a good job of keeping viewers attention and interest. The makeup was good and the actors and actresses performances were even better.
La Llorona’s look was enough to strike fear itself, but the acting along with the makeup makes it that much better. The movie is worth the time but not the money to see it in theatres. Unless you desperately want to see it, waiting would be the better option.