Season 15 of the bachelorette is a major disappointment
Disappointing, funny, cute guys, and one not the right fit for the bachelorette are all ways to describe the 15th season of The Bachelorette. Hannah Brown who is also known as Miss Alabama was first seen on last seasons series of The Bachelor. Even then she was super annoying, always crying over the little things, and she could not complete a sentence when she spoke.
Hannah was dramatic the first time we saw her and even more so now. Before the first of three rose ceremonies she walked in to talk to the guys and not even five seconds into her speech she breaks down in tears telling the guys that they have made her feel special and much more. It is only the third week into the show there is no way that you can feel that loved in the two weeks you met them.

When Hannah was on a two on one date with Colton and Caelynn Miller-Keyes. Colton and Hannah had their one on one time. She was given the challenge of making a toast, and if you know her from last season you know that is a very hard task for her. She made a toast that consisted of “Roll Tide.” Wow Hannah wow.
Out of all the women that we saw on The Bachelor I was hoping that she would not become the next girl to find love. Yes every girl deserves love but I feel as though they could have chosen someone better to be on the show, someone who can actually form a sentence.
So far I am hoping either Tyler C, Peter the pilot, Jed, or Mike win love. They all seem very generous and are there for the right reasons. Now Luke P and Cam they need to leave immediately. Luke P got the first impression rose on the first night, and they say whoever gets that is most likely to win bachelorettes heart, but Luke is over confident and needs to be put in his place. Cam also needs to go home because he reminds me of a stalker. He did not get to go on a group date so he decided to show up on that date and took all of the guys time with Hannah.
Caelynn who also appeared on Coltons season of The Bachelor should have been the new bachelorette. She was the most vulnerable and deserved a chance to try and find love in a different way.
Although some people who come on this show are not here for the right reasons most of these men or women actually want to settle down in a non traditional way. Sometimes I think it would be kind of fun to go on a show like this to see if it is like what they portray on TV. People actually tend to develop real feelings and then can also get hurt, but then again the producers could tell contestants to be dramatic on purpose just to get ratings.
Overall this season is just lame and disappointing and it is only the third week, but let’s hope it gets better as the season goes on.
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