French Toast: The True Breakfast Champion
For as long as time has existed, there have been plenty of debates about plenty of different things. Some of these topics may include political parties, global warming, and sports games. However, people seem to forget the most consequential debate topic of all; Whether waffles or pancakes are better.
Warm, textured, and containing the perfect spaces for any topping of the consumers choosing, waffles have it all. Throw on some cinnamon sugar and BOOM! You have a gourmet meal. Waffles have characteristics that pancakes alone do not. When it comes to waffles, all you have to do is pour the batter into a cooker and that is it. Or even simpler, all you have to do is throw your Ego Waffle in the toaster.
Pancakes are bland and boring, all flat and often times dry. Not only that, but they are also more complicated to make. Have you ever heard of someone making a lopsided waffle?

Nope? Did not think so. But when it comes to pancakes, they are so easy to rip and ruin.
However, this is an attempt to shine light on a new, more ingenious perspective: French toast. There is nothing more comforting than waking up to the smell of french toast in the morning. With its’ powdered sugar, egg battered bread, and perfectly toasted sides, french toast is the total package. French toast does not just overall taste better, it is also much less easy to mess up than pancakes, the obvious worst choice for flat-main-course-breakfast-foods. Waffles, however, are more versatile than the prized possession french toast. You can put a variety of different toppings on waffles that would not blend well if they were put on french toast. Although this just further proves the point that french toast is the best option, because it can hold its’ own.
Needless to say, french toast carries the entirety of the breakfast community. Without it we would lack iconic breakfast dishes, like french toast sticks for example. A world without french toast is a cruel, harsh world I would not want to live in.