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Junior Ansley Vaughn, Takes on the Presidential Roles of FFA

Many members of Northern High School’s FFA (Future Farmers of America) club are in awe of Ansley Vaughn and her strong leadership role of being FFA president as a junior. Vaughn has natural leadership and makes students feel welcome with her bubbly personality.

“Ansley is a great president for FFA because she does her job really [well] and is an amazing leader,” junior Ana Jimenez said. “She does a great job of including [everyone] and making people feel welcomed.”

Being president of a club can be very stressful at times, and leading people older than you can be uncomfortable. Make time for all of your personal and club obligations is a must to be successful.

“I make sure I make time for everything, I put my priorities first but sometimes they can be conflicting,” junior FFA president Ansley Vaughn said. “I have a planner to write down what I need to do and that helps me.”

Being in charge takes a lot of time, but what people do not see is the positive energy it takes to make sure everyone has a sense of feeling welcomed. Vaughn has an advantage since making people feel welcomed is already apart of her personality.

FFA president, junior Ansley Vaughn practicing to show her goat Dixie at the 2019 State Fair.

“[Ansley] is a very open and outgoing person and has a very bubbly personality,” FFA advisor Abigail Thompson said. “She goes out of her comfort zone to reach out to people and help them be involved.”

People seek leadership, intelligence, a positive attitude, involvement, being well-rounded, and good speaking skills from a leader. Being a junior and having all of these qualities is outstanding and that is what really shines through to the members and the advisors.

“Ansley is perfect for this role because she fills qualities of a leader, she makes good grades, she is nice, makes good connections with people, and communicates well with members,” sophomore Chris Glisson said.

Including people can leave a long lasting impact. Being a new young leader can be intimidating but Vaughn knows how to see past that.

“Ansley is a super sweet person and always includes people that she does not even know she is outgoing and an open person,” sophomore Peyton Paschall said.

Taking on the role of being a leader means taking on the sacrifices that follow it. One sacrifice was giving up volleyball to commit more time to FFA.

“Ansley is a great leader and leads FFA in a way that I haven’t seen in people lead [in other] programs, I know she has given up some things to run FFA successfully and that really stands out,” junior Hector Mejia said.

Keeping old traditions and values is what makes FFA stand out from other clubs at Northern. FFA advisors want to help officers recognize these goals and help them tie to current meetings.

“The main thing to remember is to make sure we fulfill a lot of the goals FFA originally had when it first began here at Northern,” FFA advisor Demikia Taylor says. “Making sure that it is a big chapter and that we provide all of our members with enough experience.”

Being a president can be very fun and exciting but also very stressful.Vaughn tackles the job with ease and members feel as if she is a very fit leader for the club. This is only the beginning of the year. Ansley Vaughn has many more plans to make FFA the best place to be.

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