New Club Promotes School Spirit at Sporting Events
Clubs at Northern High School are extremely important to the social life of Northern students. Students 4 Sports is a club that brings together athletics and student life to create a supportive and energetic environment for our sports teams. Students 4 Sports is ran by three seniors; Tanner Horton, Olivia Barber, and Makayla Powell. Together, they organize weekly themes for students to participate in at football and basketball games.
Students 4 Sports is a very inclusive club that has meetings every other Tuesday to plan for that week’s game and discuss how they can pump up the student section to get more students involved.
“We get students involved by meeting early before games and [holding] tailgates that give students time to hang out,” senior Makayla Powell said. “We also post on the clubs social media accounts so that everyone is aware of the theme for that week’s game.”
History teacher Christian Tardieu, is the Students 4 Sports club advisor. He helps them organize meetings and hosts the club meetings in his classroom. Tardieu helps the leaders of Students 4 Sports come up with ways to promote and advertise their club.
“I think they do a great job using social media because the turnout at football games is always a good amount,” Tardieu said.
So far this year, Students 4 Sports have struggled with getting the lower classmen involved in the student section. The majority of the students who participate i

n the student section on a regular basis are upperclassmen.
“Some challenges we [face] is getting everyone to participate,” senior Olivia Barber said. “Especially freshmen, and getting students involved in coming to meetings.”
Students that are active in Students 4 Sports work to bring support and energy to football games. The student section cheers and supports their team through victories and tough loses.
“In Students 4 Sports we stay involved by getting more people to come to [the] games and support our players as well as doing fun stuff before and after [the] games,” senior Hope Hicks said.
The Students for Sports leaders work hard to stay active and push students to join and get involved throughout the season. Students are invited to meetings to help make fun posters for the team as well as give feedback about upcoming themes. Student 4 Sports leaders take responsibility in bringing in a bigger crown each week at the game.
“Some responsibilities I have while running the club are coming up with themes, going to all games, supporting our teams, and having lots of energy while doing it,” senior Tanner Horton said.
Students 4 Sports is a great club with lots of energy and dedication that many students are involved in. This club is not only important to the students at Northern but the athletes as well.