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Trump to Ban all E-cigs?

President, Donald Trump has a plan to ban electronic cigarettes due to many illnesses, such as lung damage. E-cigarettes are known for causing heart attacks by increasing adrenaline from the chemicals in the vapor. Vaping causes particles to get inhaled to the lungs and contains fine metals, such as nickel and lead. A common side effect that vaping contains is headaches, due to a high intake of nicotine.

Vaping companies, such as Juul, have made it easier for a lot of people trying to quit smoking tobacco, and smoke e-cigarettes instead.

“I think there could be a good and bad side to this, I think e-cigarettes help people stop smoking tobacco cigarettes but can get addicted as well, to electronic cigarettes,” senior Brandon Hughes said.

Electronic cigarettes have taken a toll on people in a health perspective by causing lung damage and heart issues, such as heart attacks.

“I [feel] that if Trump bans e-cigarettes the numbers will go down of people getting sick,” senior Kendrick Brown said.

Underage vaping is also affecting many teens by feeling the need to smoke, and eventually causing damage to themselves.

“Everyone seems to do it because it has become really popular now,” sophomore Jennifer Sanchez said.

Even though adults use electronic cigarettes as an alternative to tobacco to try to stop smoking, it just might affect them more than cigarettes.

“It will affect [adults] dramatically because they will find another way to smoke,” sophomore Freddy Oliver said.

Harmful side effects from vaping will affect people drastically. Trump’s plan is to help protect younger kids from getting sick, and staying healthy.

“[Trump’s plan to ban electronic cigarettes will] help protect the safety and [will promote the] general welfare of students,” principal Dan Gilfort said.

Nicotine is a strong, serious addiction. Nicotine has caused serious health problems for many people. However, Trump’s plan is meant to help people and their health, to also keep them safe. This resolution should have a positive impact on people of all ages.

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