Call of Duty Releases Modern Warfare
Every year for the past few years, the Call of Duty franchise has come out with a new game for its fans. Not only that, but the games are produced by three different companies each year and this year it was Infinity Ward’s turn. The last game for Infinity Ward did not get such great reviews from the fans, so this year they decided to return to a fan favorite title, Modern Warfare.
As stated before, the last game they made, Call of duty: Infinite Warfare, was not their best work. The game was just not what the fans were expecting or wanting from the franchise. A remastered version of the original Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare game that came along with Infinite Warfare did better than the main game it self and even that one was not that great. So after two years of taking time to think of ideas and develop a game they decided to just restart and go back to the original.
That is how we got to where we are now with Modern Warfare. Before the game was even announced, people speculated that the company would either be going back to Modern Warfare or continuing their other game Call of Duty: Ghosts. So when it was announced that the company was going with Modern Warfare, the whole fanbase was excited and could not wait to get their hands on the game.
Although the game had a lot of hype pre-release, when it came time for the game to actually come out fans were slightly disappointed with what the game turned out to be. The maps on the game are big and it is hard to actually find anyone. On top of that, all anyone does in the game is camp and wait for people to come around in order to get them. With a combination of the big maps and the players camping, it makes for a bad experience. Also, it seems as if Call of Duty is attempting to copy one of their competitors, Battlefield, by adding in game modes like 50v50 and 100v100. Also how realistic the game seems to be is a copy from Battlefield as well.
Although those downsides make the game sound bad, it has its good aspects to it as well. They updated how the gunsmith works so every weapon is a lot more customizable than in previous games. Also, they added new game modes like 2v2 and invasion to make the game have some individuality to it. While they might have copied how realistic the game is from Battlefield, it is still kind of a plus to the gameplay. Hits to different areas on the body mean a lot more in this game than they did in previous games such as Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. The company also promised that there would be no loot boxes or pay to win gameplay in the game, something that the fans are super excited for since it made the game unfair and not fun for previous titles.

As of now the game is obviously still a work in progress, but over time hopefully it can get better and fix some of the issues it has. Smaller maps and countering camping would make the game a lot more fun and bring a better experience for the players. Overall though it is not a bad game and it is definitely a new take on the Call of Duty franchise. Now this is a rated M game so anyone under the age of 17 should not be playing this game without permission from a parent and/or guardian.