New Math Teacher Finds Stride in the Classroom
A new face has become popular among students on upper Harrison hall. Marlon Anderson brings his math teaching skills and Jamaican culture to Northern High School students.
“My mom really led me into teaching, I was pushed more towards sciences, but when I got to college they told me to figure it out from there, I was not sure what I wanted to do and my mom [led me into] teaching,” math teacher Marlon Anderson said. “From there I have loved it ever since.”
Being a student and having a teacher new to a school can be challenging. Some teachers have different styles of teachers that can challenge students. Anderson and his students are overcoming these challenges.
“[In Mr. Anderson’s class] the [school] year started off rocky but the class and [his teaching methods] got better as the quarter progressed,” freshman Hayden Murrell said. “His class has been good [so far].”

Mr. Anderson understands students and how busy their lives can be. Giving extra time to students can be a huge help to them. Some students are busy with extracurricular activities and other class workloads.
“[Mr. Anderson] is a good teacher because he does not give too much work [and] he gives you extra time for work and is lenient,” junior Jacob Haigler said.
Every class comes with challenges. These challenges can be big or small, but students have to make adjustments to stay on top of their work.
“What challenges me the most is the amount of homework given because it is difficult to finish it all in one night along with other classes,” freshman Deniya El-Amin said.
Having a good teacher and having one who is willing to take the time to explain more steps to work makes the biggest difference. Extra credit can help students get higher letter grade.
“ Mr. Anderson knows what he is doing and occasionally gives extra credit,” junior Colin Scoggins said. “There is a lot of homework, but he explains most of it so it is not as bad.”
Mr. Anderson is helping students in many ways. Northern High School is lucky to have him as a new teacher this year, and hopefully in years to come.