Unpopular Opinion: The Fair is not Worth the Hype
Thrilling rides, mouth-watering food of all different varieties, family-filled fun, and copious amounts of agricultural interaction; The North Carolina State Fair appears to be the picture perfect idea of an entertaining day with family and friends. WRONG. The North Carolina State Fair is a huge waste of time and money, and here is why.
Going to the fair is a guaranteed way to get a headache. The smell of the deep-fried foods and the pollution from the food stands is nauseating. The rides are also potentially extremely dangerous. Various people have been in deadly accidents from ride malfunctions and even died from diseases spread around there. There is an abundance of dirty little kids running around spreading diseases everywhere and leaving a trail of germs behind them. This year alone, four people have died from a deadly disease that is being spread around the State Fair. No single day of “fun” is worth losing your life over.

Even if someone does actually enjoy the unhealthy food and endangering rides, the time consuming lines are a definite dealbreaker. The State Fair has approximately 1,000,000 visitors per year over a 10 day period. If you want to actually experience an enjoyable ride, you will most likely have to wait in line for at least ten minutes, which has been verified through past experience. What is the point of investing $13 just to spend a majority of your time in a crowded space where you are barely able to walk or are getting antsy in a line?
Speaking of the General Admission price of $13 per adult, the North Carolina State Fair as a whole is ridiculously overpriced. There is no reason one should have to spend seven dollars on deep fried oreos, and up to eight dollars for one single drink. On top of that, the games are unfair. They are all just a charade to mooch people out of money in an effort to get them stuck in their trap. They entice the people with cheap stuffed animals in a wide variety of sizes, and even offer live prizes, like goldfish. One can only imagine what PETA has to say about the monstrosity that is the
North Carolina State Fair.
It takes no rocket scientist to see that the State Fair is a waste of time and money. It deserves no praise and is overall extremely mediocre and overrated.