French Fries are the Apex Food
In every meal we eat, there are food staples that must be there. This ranges from hamburgers and chicken, to salad and vegetables. But almost anyone can agree that the best meals come with potatoes on the side. Potatoes can absolutely save a lackluster meal or could serve as a main course in certain instances. However, the best way to eat potatoes in the form of french fries.
French fries are obviously the best for being a finger food. You can eat fries just straight by themselves without needing to have a fork or even a plate. You could go to any fast food restaurant and order fries to go, you could eat those fresh out of the bag with ease. There are not many foods that you can do that with and next to none can be eaten as efficiently as fries. Fries can be placed in your mouth in handfuls, while other foods must be eaten much slower and much neater. Fries also can be eaten in any volume, as they can be made in small, medium and large sizes.

Fries possess the most well-roundness of all the foods that are made from potatoes. When you make a regular baked potato, you have to add butter and pepper to ensure the maximum flavor output, whereas with french fries there is little to no work required to make fries their absolute best. Then we look at roasted potatoes, they can be excellent however they struggle to really make up for a lackluster meal. We will not acknowledge the trash that is sweet potatoes, with the exception of sweet potato pie.
Lastly, we should talk about the versatility of french fries. For example, they can be made original style in a fryer by itself. Fries can be made in an oven and be much more healthy or they can be cooked with peppers and have exquisite taste. There are lots of different toppings that can be put on fries, such as chilli, cheese or ketchup. They can be a nice side addition to any main course like burgers or chicken. The fries can even be cut in different ways like waffle slices or steak style, you legitimately can not go wrong.
Potatoes in any form can be great and to be honest they are probably one of if not the best foods out there, but if there is any potato meal that reigns supreme it has to be french fries