Senior Tanner Horton's Excellence has Made Him a Team Favorite
High school sports are not a privilege, they are something you have to work hard at and cherish playing while you can. Senior Tanner Horton a four year swimming career is coming to an end, and his time of being a leader ending as well. Horton has been a role model and has stepped up as a senior helping in any possible way.
“The best part has been going through it all with him and [it is] amazing to have someone by your side,” senior Andrew Coburn said.
Highschool is four years of your life and comes with great stories and fun times. You have to take advantage of the time you have.
“The best part is making new friends and having fun while connecting with teammates and creating bonds,” senior Tanner Horton said.

Memories are made by enjoying your time with the people you love the most. Seniors have had time to enjoy and cherish moments with teammates as well as sports.
“My favorite memory is going to states last year with my relay,” Horton said.
Coaches bond with players and learn about their personal lives and sometimes even become friends with the members of the team. Athletes are around their coach every day learning new things so the player has to pay attention and make sure they are there for the underclassmen.
“Tanner has been a leader on the swim team. He is always willing to swim whatever stroke we need him to and has stepped up as a team [captain],” swim coach Hannah Hribar said.
Younger swimmers are influenced by the older swimmers and follow in their footsteps.
Seniors need to be someone to look up to and need to learn the value of being a veteran on the team. Practice is run by the coaches with older advanced swimmers helping younger swimmers with technique and the fundamentals of swimming.
“He is a fun guy to be around and he makes practice more enjoyable for the whole team,” junior Harrison Griffin said.
Tanner has had a tremendous three seasons on the Knights swim team. As he is working to repeat last season with a regionals and states appearance with his relay.