Cheerleaders Receive Backlash for Openly Supporting President Trump
On August 30th, North Stanly High School cheerleaders were preparing for the upcoming game with cheers and pictures. However that all came to a quick halt when they took a picture with a pro-trump banner. This brought news attention and spurred controversy over what should happen to the cheerleaders, it became a debate throughout social media and communities.
“I think that it is wrong for them to be suspended considering that everyone has their own beliefs and opinions,” junior Lacey Mclamb said.
While it was a showing of politics which, according to the school is prohibited, but the question that sits is Why is it not okay to publicly show patriotism towards the President of the United States?
“I do [not] think it is a big deal if you want to say something or take a picture with politics it is not a big deal,” senior Nate Petrucelli said.
The cheerleaders have since been put on probation according to the school, but will be enforcing the rules about no political opinion in the school community. The cheerleaders have since been unable to cheer and are on further probation but their suspension was changed to just probation.
“I think that you [ a cheerleader] should be able to cheer no matter what you believe[,][it] is the right thing we all have our opinions [ on ]why can they not say there's,” sophomore Sydney Mclean said.
While there are many reasons to have certain rules for open publicity and not allowing kids to show their political views due to it helping not causing chaos, not being a distraction in the learning area and also so others do not feel singled out and alone with the wrong thoughts.
“I understand why the kids want to say something but if it is a rule you can not say anything about politics and they did, [then] yeah, they should be punished for disobeying a rule,” junior Owen Powell said. “ I do not think this is about them wanting to support trump it is about how they the rules and they broke them.”

Whether you would want to speak about politics and or keep your thoughts to yourself, if there are rules for areas where you can not talk about it than you should listen to the rules and speak about it when the time is right and you would not get in trouble for it.