ISIS Leader Dead.
On October 27, President Donald Trump made an announcement to the world through media platforms, that the ISIS leader Abu Bakr...

Cheerleaders Receive Backlash for Openly Supporting President Trump
On August 30th, North Stanly High School cheerleaders were preparing for the upcoming game with cheers and pictures. However that all...
Baseball gears up for a new season
With the start-up of spring sports, one of the most common sports young men play is baseball, the tryouts were on the 13th of February....

New Black Ops 4 challenges the game that has previously swept the nation
Black Ops 4 (BO4) was released on October 18, and it is taking the gaming world to a whole new level. The game was created by Treyarch...

College: To go or not to go?
When I first found out what college was, I knew right then and there that I wanted to go. Education has always been very important to me....