Isopod Hours
There are many animals that inhabit the ocean floor that we have yet to discover. Of all these animals the isopod is one of the oldest,...

Non Profit Organization Releases Chilling Advertisement
On September 18th, a gruesome public service announcement debuted on American television. The advertisement depicts intense and graphic...

New Face in the English Department Adds a New Sense of Enthusiasm to the Team
There is a new face in the English department at Northern High School this year; Her name is Destiny Clarke. Not only is she new to...

Season 15 of the bachelorette is a major disappointment
Disappointing, funny, cute guys, and one not the right fit for the bachelorette are all ways to describe the 15th season of The...

Marvel phase 3 comes to a spiraling conclusion in Avengers: Endgame
After 11 years of laughs, tears, and anticipation, Avengers: Endgame brought the entirety of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) together...

Thanks to everyone who made my 4 years the best ever
In middle school, I was known as the shy girl who turned red whenever someone called her name. I have since been more outgoing and a...

Horror film causes mixed reactions
The Curse Of La Llorona was released on April 19th 2019. This film has interested many people but has not drawn all positive feedback...

Annual Hall of Fame tournament is another success
Every year in April, the Northern high school booster club puts on a golf tournament. The Hall of Fame golf tournament raises money for...